TexAu Prospector – Find emails of company employees

Find emails of company (Linkedin pages) employees using marketing automation on TexAu. Email marketing is the closest you can get to your potential leads. Finding emails is as easy as discovering their Linkedin profile. Sure, you can find emails of specific Linkedin profiles, but this spice helps you find email employees listed on any company page published on Linkedin.

How to find the emails of employees of any company?

Use Linkedin company page URL as a unique identifier. You can also enter company names but the URL makes the whole process a lot smoother. You can customize your searches by mentioning the roles of employees you want to scrape emails of.

Here are the steps to use this spice:

  1. Create a free TexAu account here
  2. Enter the company name or URL in the respective field
  3. Enter the job roles you’re looking for
  4. Run the automation right away or schedule it for later


  1. How to use CSV with TexAu Automation
  2. How to use Google Sheet with TexAu Automation
  3. How to schedule a TexAu Automation

Limitations & important points to note

  1. You can run this spice 50 times per day. However, you will have to keep in mind your daily limit. You can find those details here.
  2. If you’re using the web version, make sure you toggle the ‘Use Proxy button’. This will require you to add a proxy to your account. If you use the TexAu Desktop app, you don’t have to worry about purchasing a proxy or even setting one.

Understanding the whole execution of this spice

Here we will see the steps of the execution & the inputs required for this spice.

The whole execution will play around these 7 input points & the total time to execute this will be around 1-2 minutes, depending on the number of Profile URLs.

Here’s what each of the input points means:

  1. Li_AT: Linkedin uses this piece of information to ensure it’s really you who’s using the Linkedin profile.
  2. Company URL: Enter the Company URL in this field. If you have a list of URLs in a CSV or a Google sheet. Use that in step 5.
  3. Job Roles: This is optional but it can help you narrow down your search by specifying the exact roles whose emails you want to scrape from the company page. You can specify 5 roles max.
  4. Max count: Mention the maximum emails you want to get from the company. If left blank, 50 emails will be scraped.
  5. Upload a CSV or Link a Google Sheet: Here you can upload a CSV or link a Google sheet. There are some extra steps here & we will cover them in the next section.
  6. Get emails: Clicking on this button will immediately start the execution.
  7. Schedule this spice: You can choose to schedule this spice to find company IDs.

How to find emails of employees on any Linkedin company page?

Once your account is set up and you have completed the onboarding, visit the Spice page in the app. TexAu acts on your behalf on Linkedin to run this automation. TexAu is the safest automation platform on the web, it uses your Linkedin session cookie to authenticate as you to run this automation. We never ask for your login credentials. To make filling session cookies easier, you can use the TexAu Chrome extension. This process only requires 2 clicks.

Download TexAu Extension for Chrome here: TexAu Chrome Extension [Used and loved by over 4000+ customers]

Refresh your automation page and click on the Get Cookie button. Make sure you’re logged in to your Linkedin account & the activated chrome extension will do the job.

In case if you are not using Google Chrome, check this guide on how to get cookies manually from your browser. We are working hard to bring our extension to all the major browsers very soon.

Step 2: Upload the CSV or paste Google sheet URL (only if you have multiple Linkedin company URLs)

If you have a CSV, simply upload it from your PC. If you have a Google Sheet, there are some extra steps.

  • First, paste the Google sheet’s URL.
  • Either get the session cookie or use our chrome extension to do it with the click of a button.
  • Input the column containing the Linkedin Company Page URLs. Make sure you choose the right column for successful execution.

For the final touch, make sure you have set the sheet as public (as shown below) so the TexAu can access it.

Step 3: Start execution or schedule the automation

Clicking on the Get emails button will immediately start the execution. Based on the number of Linkedin company Page URLs, the execution time will vary.

Scheduling the automation will give you additional points to control the execution. You can choose specific days of the week or month, specific times daily. You can even set a specific start & end time of the execution.

The advantage of automating the whole process is that you don’t have to actively sit in front of your PC while TexAu does its job.

Step 4: Download execution results to your local PC

Once you click on the Get emails button, the execution will begin and then you will see the following message in the execution log.

Once you see, click on the ‘Result’ button where you can view your results & download the result as a CSV file as shown below.

Note: Alternatively you can download results from the Results menu on the left-hand navigation, just hover over the menu & click on Results as shown below:

That’s all you need to find emails of employees of any company pages on Linkedin.

In case if you have any questions related to this spice or anything related to TexAU, just drop us a message and we will get back in 10 minutes 🙂