We will start with a Spice which does not require a cookie and then move to one which requires a cookie.

Find Meta tags of any website

This automation is very simple, it takes the full website URL and gives you all the meta tags present on the website. So let’s run and see what we get.

💡 Make sure to enter the full website URL with http  or https

Find Businesses near you using Google Maps Business Scraper

Now we will run another Spice – Google Maps Business Scraper, it takes the URL of the search and brings you results upto 20 pages. This is another very powerful automation to find leads, so let’s go ahead and try it.

Open “Google Maps Search Extractor” in another tab.

Let’s go to Google Maps and type some keywords to search potential leads. I open Google Maps and search “Marketing Agencies in San Francisco” and these are the results I got.

3. Grab the URL of this search and paste it in the Search Extractor automation.

Paste the URL in the Spice page.

4. When you click on “Extract Listing”, it will take you to results page you can see the logs and as explained in the previous video, click on results to see all the listing data.

🎉 We just completed another two Spices on TexAu.