In this article, we are going to use how to create Variables on the TexAu platform.

TexAu variables allow you to store cookies, URLs, or any data that you frequently use on the platform. For example, if you use your LinkedIn profile URL a lot or deal with any Facebook Group frequently, you can create a variable and store the URL. You can use variables to store API keys and secrets for different integrations.

There are two types of variables.

Global Variables: Global variables will be accessible across the whole platform.

Local Variables: Local variables are accessible in TexAu Recipes.

How to create variables on TexAu

Visit account page:

Click on variables, and then select “New Variable”

Give your variable a name and paste the value.

How to use variables in TexAu Spices

When you want to use the variable simply click on the three horizontal lines icon available on any field.

Select the variable of your choice.

How to use variables in TexAu Recipes

For Recipe, simply click on the input field and you will see a button below “Insert Variable”

Click on “Insert variable” and select the variable you want to add on that input field.

That’s all!

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