Extract your competitors’ fans from Product Hunt and offer them a free trial on LinkedIn

Producthunt is a great website to promote new tools and services and be discovered by potential users. Probably your competitors are already there, right? And you see all those fans… What if you could reach out to them and show them just how much better your product is? Well, you can do just that, automatically, thanks to TexAu. Reach out to your competitor’s Product Hunt fans on LinkedIn

  1. Extract the upvoters of a list of products. You can provide the URLs of the products on Product Hunt with a CSV file or a Google Spreadsheet (remember to make it public).
  2. Authenticate easily and safely on LinkedIn. The automation needs to connect to LinkedIn on your behalf. We can do that easily and safely with your session cookies. You can grab your cookie easily with our Chrome extension, or you can follow these steps to get the cookie manually.
  3. You can search for their profiles now on LinkedIn with the list of names and surnames from Product Hunt. It’s not perfect, as you’ll get some false positives, but you’ll find many of your competitor’s upvoters this way.
  4. Send them a message offering a free trial. Now you can reach out to them and show them just how superior your product is in solving their needs by offering them a free trial.