Scrape meta tags of website

Scrape valuable information about your competitor’s website to understand their strategy. Use this automation to scrape meta tags of your competitor’s site so that you can design a similar strategy they have incorporated. This automation can be super helpful for the SEO of your own business website.

You can save information like target keywords, viewport content, and description (this can tell a lot about target keywords) on specific data, Google site verification, etc.

Here are some applications/usecases for using this automation:

  1. Use this automation to craft an SEO strategy for yourself or craft a strategy for the website owners & pitch your SEO services to them. With this automation you can peep into the on-page SEO strategy of pages you’re inspired from.
  2. If you’re a business owner, you can use this automation to scrape vital information about your competition’s website to peep into their strategies for ranking higher on search engines.
  3. If you’re a marketing agency, you can use this automation to find gaps a website needs to fill. You can use this information to pitch the website owners your service around how you can fix those issues & help them grow online.

How to Scrape meta tags of websites?

Run this spice just by entering the URL of websites. You can run this for more websites as well. Just upload a CSV or link a Google sheet with a list of URLs of websites you want to scrape. You can run this spice to scrape websites from Google & use that Google Sheet in this spice as input. While linking a Google Sheet you will have an option to process only new entries, this will ensure that the websites aren’t scraped twice & only the new entries will be processed.

Here are the steps to Scrape meta tags of websites:

  1. Create a free TexAu account here
  2. Enter the website URL in the respective field & You can upload a CSV or link a Google sheet with more website URLs to automate the whole process of extracting the meta tags of those websites.
  3. Click the “Extract meta tags” button to run the automation right away or click “Schedule this spice” to repeatedly run this spice.

Limitations & important points to note

  1. There’s no limit to how many websites you can scrape for meta tags of that website. Just make sure you’re aware of your daily limit on TexAu, visit this page to check your daily limit.

Let’s see how to execute this automation

Here we will see the steps of the execution & the inputs required for this spice.

The whole execution will play around these 4 input points & the total time to execute this will be around 1-2 minutes, depending on the number of posts you want to extract commenters from. Here’s what each of the input points means:

Extract all meta tags from the website

1. Website URL: Here you will enter the URL of the website you want to extract meta tags from.

2. Upload CSV or Google Sheet: You can upload a CSV of Google Sheet if you have a lot of websites to extract the meta tags from. Be sure to execute this spice with the daily limit in mind. Check your daily limit here.

3. Extract meta tags: Clicking on this button will immediately start the execution.

4. Schedule this spice: You can choose to schedule this spice to scrape meta tags from specified websites.

How to scrape meta tags of websites using TexAu?

Step 1: Create TexAu account

Once your account is set up and you have completed the onboarding, visit this Spice page. TexAu acts on your behalf on those websites to run this automation. TexAu is the safest automation platform on the web for marketing automation.

Step 2: Upload the CSV or paste Google sheet URL (only if you have multiple websites to extract meta tags from)

If you have a CSV, simply upload it from your PC. If you have a Google Sheet, there are some extra steps.

  • First paste the Google sheet’s URL.
  • Input the column containing the website URLs. Make sure you choose the right one for successful execution.
Google Sheet with the list of websites

For the final touch, make sure you have set the sheet as public (as shown below) so the TexAu can access it.

Make Google Sheet Public

Step 4: Start execution or schedule the automation

Clicking on the Extract meta tags button will immediately start the execution. Unless you have multiple websites to scrape information from, it would hardly take a minute to execute this script.

Scheduling the automation will give you additional points to control the execution. You can choose specific days of the week or month, specific times daily. You can even set a specific start & end time of the execution.

The advantage of automating the whole process is that you don’t have to actively sit in front of your PC while TexAu does its job.

Step 5: Download execution results to your local PC

Once you click on Extract meta tags you will see an execution window at the bottom of your screen, that would look as shown below:

Collect Meta Tags from Website Automation Running

After the execution is complete, you will see the following message in the execution log.

Collect Meta Tags from Website completed

Once you see, click on the ‘Result’ button where you can view your results & download the result as a CSV file as shown below.

Download CSV file with all the results of meta tags extractor automation

Note: Alternatively you can download results from the Results menu on the left-hand navigation, just hover over the menu & click on Results as shown below:

Go to the Results page from the main dashboard

That’s all you need to Scrape meta tags from the website.

  1. How to use CSV with TexAu Automation
  2. Learn how to use Google Sheet with TexAu Automation
  3. How to schedule a TexAu Automation

In case if you have any questions related to this spice or anything related to TexAU, just drop us a message and we will get back in 10 minutes 🙂